Madvertise aims leadership in Europe via Turkey

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BERLIN /ISTANBUL  - Madvertise was founded in 2008 by Carsten Frien (CEO), Pan Katsukis (CPO), Thomas Hille (CIO), Martin Karlsch (CTO) and Team Europe with headquarter in Berlin. Soon after they became one of the leading mobile audience targeting platform in Europe with two billion monthly page impressions.

Recently Turkish mobil ad. company Mobilike which  has % 60 of  local market share has joined them. CEO Frien’s told DUNYA future projection of Madvertise and how they aim leadership in Europe via Turkey.

“Madvertise is already the leading company in the mobile advertising industry in the German speaking countries. The company is growing real fast with the goal to be the number one mobile audience targeting platform in Europe. We are also looking to launch madvertise in new territories.  Accordingly, Turkey is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. With high mobile penetration and a predominantly young and affluent captive audience, our presence in Turkey was the logical step towards market leadership in Europe. Turkey business will have a 20 percent share of the whole turnover of madvertise in 2012 and I can tell you that we are going to triple our turnover in 2012. We already managed that in 2011” CEO Frien said.

“Turkey is a hub for MENA”

Frien pointsTurkish market as an opening door to new territories. Beside growth they aim to expand their business by Turkish buy-out.  Frien claims that: “Turkey is definitely an important hub for madvertise to further expand into MENA in the future. Mobilike is the leading mobile ad company in Turkey and has more than 60 percent market share. Founded in 2009, the company boasts an impressive 600+ million page impressions per month. For both parties this is a value creating deal and we are delighted to further drive the mobile advertising market in Turkey together with Mobilike and its founders Şekip Can Gökalp and Volkan Biçer. They have done a fantastic job to advance mobile advertising in Turkey and position Mobilike as the market leader. The team of Mobilike is a very passionate and mobile enthusiastic one with the same philosophy as the madvertise team. There is a great fit on both sides.”

Developing own technology with “Made in Germany” label

Friens explains their difference from market with “German quality”. “Madvertise prides itself on its state-of-the-art mobile technology, as is reflected in its ‘made in Germany’ products which offer the highest reliability and quality and which are continuously enhanced to maintain cutting edge performance. madvertise’s mobile ad server optimises interactive mobile advertising campaigns, such as mobile video or rich media ads. Currently we are working on a new technological platform which enables us to provide mobile RTB (real-time bidding) and will give us the opportunity to roll-out our business globally. However, madvertise focused from the beginning on developing its own leading technology. This makes the real difference and value of madvertise in succeeding and leading the European market. And the inhouse build best-in-class technology makes madvertise more attractive for potential investors and a successful exit in the future.” CEO Carsten Frien ends his words.



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