Japanese FM to launch year of Japan in Turkey

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Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada will begin a two-day visit to Turkey on Sunday to attend a ceremony marking the start of the 2010 Year of Japan in Turkey, the Japanese Foreign Ministry announced yesterday. During the visit, he is also expected to meet with his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu and President Abdullah Gul. Stressing Turkey's important role in promoting peace and stability in the Middle East and Central Asia, the statement also emphasized Turkey's vital role in international political and economic issues as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council and a member of the G-20. Okada will speak with people involved in organizing the Year of Japan and visit the sites of Japanese economic projects in Istanbul, the statement said. The Year of Japan festivities will take place throughout the year. Ondekoza, a group featuring drummers Ichitaro and Sato Akihiro and flute player Nakamura Masaki, will hold concerts in Ankara, Istanbul and Yalova throughout the year. Cherry trees, a symbol of Japan, will be planted in 10 Turkish provinces. A Japanese film festival will also be held in Istanbul next month.

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