Finlandiyalı müşteri fason havlu ürettirecek

Finlandiya’dan irtibata geçen bir tüccar portföyündeki müşterileri için fason havlu ürettirmek istediğini üreticilerden fiyat teklifi talep etmektedir.

Abone ol

Finlandiya’dan irtibata geçen bir serbest ticaret erbabı portföyündeki müşterilerinin talepleri doğrultusunda havlu ürettirmek istediğini belirterek teknik detayını vermiş olduğu havlu için üreticilerden fiyat teklifi talep etmektedir.

Orijinal mesajı aşağıdaki şekilde olan müşterinin talebine bir altta verilen linkten ulaşabilirsiniz:

My name is Dejan Obradovic.
I am trusted freelancer on web site platform, which is one of World’s top freelance platforms, and I am working on freelancer/outsourcing basis on supplier sourcing for mine Client/Buyer from Finland, which would like that I find manufacturer of towels.

Please find enclosed project description:
A manufacturer for towels
Project Description
We are looking for a manufacturer for cotton towels.
We are looking for a RELIABLE manufacturer that can provide a complete SOLUTION (manufacturing, packaging, delivery) and good QUALITY at a competitive PRICE.
The towels come in just one size. They have two special features: 1) an exfoliating patch (terry linen),
*** IMPORTANT: We expect ***
a) Manufacturer contact info (company name, address, www) including a fluent English speaking contact person (email, Skype)
b) Availability of different material variants (color, fabric) with manufacturer’s recommendation. The number of variants has not been decided, and we may end up with only one variant.
c) Estimation of pricing for different order quantities. Price needs to include delivery to Finland in a suitable retail packaging.
d) Recommendation for simple and cost effective retail packaging. We will provide print design according to the layout specification provided by the manufacturer (i.e. no print design required from the manufacturer).
e) Sample policy: we need to receive ‘a prototype’ (towel and retail packaging) to ensure that the manufactured product will comply with the final specification
f) Other terms depending on the manufacturer

Additional informations:
Order size
We want to know pricing for different order sizes (1000, 10000, 50000). First order will be small because we will begin by doing test marketing.
We cannot provide a photo reference of the product. Please refer to the written specification and drawing that we have provided.
Towel: be 100% cotton, weight of 340–400g/m2.
Exfoliating patch: terry linen, sown on one side of the towel
Loop handle
3cm width x 12cm length (cotton).
- Solid colors
- We do not want to provide exact colors, but we want the manufacturer to provide us the most competitive pricing according the materials they have available.
The key is that the exfoliating patch (terry linen) is slightly darker than the towel (cotton).
- Preferably two versions
version a: towel is grey, exfoliating patch is dark grey (or ‘dim gray’), loop handles are black
version b: towel is beige, exfoliating patch is light brown (or ‘tan’), loop handles are white
Please advise are you in position to offer above mentioned product.
I will send you PDF technical specification, as well as project description again.
Thank you.

Bu ihracat fırsatı/talebine erişmek istiyorsanız; %80 oranına çıkan hibe desteklerinden, T.C. Ekonomi Bakanlığı ve TİM (Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi) toplu üyelik desteği kapsamında yararlanabilirsiniz. Lütfen bilgi için form doldunuz ve 444 23 99’u arayıp bilgi isteyiniz.
Başvuru Formu Linki :

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