Babacan holds talks in the US

Babacan holds talks in the US

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Foreign Minister and chief negotiator for Turkey's European Union talks Ali Babacan, currently in the US, yesterday delivered a speech to the Atlantic Council think-tank. Stating that the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has made many reforms to improve human rights and democracy for all citizens, he added, "We made reforms to guarantee the laws committed much more easily and to improve all citizens' conditions regardless of their religious, cultural or ethnical origin." Stressing that Turkey had to confront realities and speak about their problems, Babacan said, "Otherwise, Turkey couldn't find solutions to its problems. We have coped with problems one by one by since 2002." Touching on the case seeking the AKP's closure, Babacan stated that they didn't know when the case would end up, that the decision would be conclusive and have to be respected whether they are pleased or not. Babacan also met with Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman and Secretary of Treasury Henry Paulson. Issues such as energy cooperation and investment possibilities of the US firms in Turkey were discussed during the gatherings.

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